Revelation 5:9
According to recent statistics, there are more than one million international students studying here in the USA. A vast number of them come from China, India, S. Korea, Saudi Arabia and some other middle eastern countries.
Many of these students would be very happy to eat a home-cooked meal with American friends. The work of International Friendship Ministries, Helping International Students and similar groups at South Carolina, Benedict and Columbia College makes it relatively easy for any concerned family or individuals to contact students for a meal in their home.
God’s word in the last book of the Bible, Revelations chapter five, tells us that there will be myriads of people from all around the world worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ. Here is just a tiny excerpt. And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation… Revelation 5:9
When these students return to their homes, they often take up very responsible positions in government, education or business. Their good memories of the care they received while living among us, will impact the dynamics of relationships internationally in many ways. The converse unfortunately is also true.
Everyone needs at least a few friends. This is especially true for those who are foreigners from a different culture, often a different language, separated from family and friends. The opportunity is there. The need is great. The benefits for the internationals and the locals are nearly impossible to measure.
Will we heed the call, open our hearts, our homes and our fun times to include these visitors?
Happily give to them and happily receive them and from the Lord in return.
Dr. Jed N. Snyder is the President, Jesus Every Day Ministries, Inc.; and the Pastor at Augusta Street Church, West Columbia. To contact him visit www.jedministries.com or e-mail [email protected].
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