If you like original artwork and amazing picture frames then you may want to visit the newly opened Rob Shaw Gallery and Framing at 324 State Street in West Columbia.
The gallery will be one of the anchors of the up and coming arts district forming in West Columbia. State Street is dotted with antique stores, boutique shops, an artistic eyewear store and restaurants.
“This is the place to be right now,” Shaw said.
Shaw is a graduate of The University of South Carolina. As an artist he has won numerous awards and is well known for his paintings using the palette knife. Before starting Rob Shaw Gallery and Framing in April of 2019, he was the longtime manager of another frame shop in downtown Columbia. His passion for art and the desire to create a business of his own lead him to where he is today.
As well as framing and selling original works of art, Shaw also teaches an Oil Painting with the Palette Knife Class. This class is so popular it has its own group of regulars that call themselves the “Shaw Artistas,” they have group shows and regularly participate in local festivals.
For more information visit www.robshawgallery.com.
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