Hattie’s View: Test your memory
I was told if I could remember one short Bible verse, my life would never be the same. 1 Corinthians 13:11 JKV: When I wasContinue Reading
I was told if I could remember one short Bible verse, my life would never be the same. 1 Corinthians 13:11 JKV: When I wasContinue Reading
Grandma lived on a little farm more than a century ago. Days were considered to be from sun up ‘til sundown, but 24 hours inContinue Reading
What’s your favorite July 4th Memory? Our forefathers expected this holiday to honor the faithfulness of God: for the land of the free and theContinue Reading
I’ll be the first to admit I’ve got a lot to learn. If you’re in banking, real estate or property management you probably don’t needContinue Reading
My, my , my. Back to school already? Where did our summer go? As I write this column two things are on my mind. HowContinue Reading
Meet my Grandma Hattie, a true woman of faith who talks to God and expects answers. I often sense Grandmas protective presence while driving. OneContinue Reading
It was a starry night. Papa pointed to the sky. “That’s the milky way. Those little twinkling lights are stars.” I believed Heaven was upContinue Reading
Easter Sunday Hubby and I were alone so I shuffled through some old community newspapers, looking for a specific issue. Wow. I’ve been writing thisContinue Reading
Now and then I have flashbacks of past holidays, the excitement, warmth and strength of three generations of family ties. Mom recalls the fattening ofContinue Reading
What a beautiful morning. I’m thankful to have lived a dream more than a decade past retirement age still enjoying my drive to the officeContinue Reading
What’s a ‘Side Hustle’? A way to gain additional income. Since the beginning of time folks have found a way to make extra income. InContinue Reading
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