Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on the announcement of a normalization agreement between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain: “Today’s announcement ofContinue Reading
Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on the announcement of a normalization agreement between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain: “Today’s announcement ofContinue Reading
The City of Cayce held their swearing in ceremony virtually for the newly elected member of Cayce City Council August 19 at 5 pm. AnnContinue Reading
Members of the Cayce City Council unanimously adopted an updated face covering ordinance at the August 19 City Council Meeting. Recent reports have shown thatContinue Reading
Crystal Bouknight Parker of the City of West Columbia, has earned the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC), which is awarded by the International InstituteContinue Reading
Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement after the announcement of a historic settlement between the Trump Administration and the State of South Carolina regardingContinue Reading
You can now renew your South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SCDMV) beginner’s permit or identification card at SCDMVOnline.com. The new transaction is available forContinue Reading
Open Letter Did you know you can see your work history online all the way back to your first job? Your earnings history is aContinue Reading
Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on voting against the USPS Fairness Act: “Although I did vote for the Republican motion to recommit withContinue Reading
By Al Dozier Ann Bailey- Robinson has won a Cayce City Council seat in a special election held August 11. It was a small turnoutContinue Reading
Congressman Joe Wilson visited the Greater Irmo Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday morning at their weekly Coffee Talk held in Stars and Strikes Bowling ArcadeContinue Reading
Today, Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement announcing this year’s Annual Bus Tour of South Carolina’s Second District: “I always look forward toContinue Reading
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