Use nature to predict the weather
By Tom Poland: A Southern Writer The weather experts predict a warmer winter than usual. That assures me we’ll get snow this winter. MeteorologyContinue Reading
By Tom Poland: A Southern Writer The weather experts predict a warmer winter than usual. That assures me we’ll get snow this winter. MeteorologyContinue Reading
By Eileen Renders Much of the information contained in this article has been provided to us on their website Because the information on this topicContinue Reading
Tom Poland A Southern Writer Growing up in landlocked Lincoln County, Georgia, I never worried about hurricanes. I left that to folks on the coast.Continue Reading
By Tom Poland I look forward to fall’s crisp air, college football, and colorful foliage, but with the good comes the sad. Hummingbirds take leaveContinue Reading
I was told if I could remember one short Bible verse, my life would never be the same. 1 Corinthians 13:11 JKV: When I wasContinue Reading
By Eileen Renders We all mature into different personalities with diverse interests, talents, abilities, and goals. I want to direct your interest right now, however,Continue Reading
Grandma lived on a little farm more than a century ago. Days were considered to be from sun up ‘til sundown, but 24 hours inContinue Reading
What’s your favorite July 4th Memory? Our forefathers expected this holiday to honor the faithfulness of God: for the land of the free and theContinue Reading
By Mike DuBose Consumers are plagued by soaring prices, empty shelves, and hard-to-find items since the Covid Pandemic interrupted supply chains. Families, with limitedContinue Reading
If you’re using a personal Box, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive or other consumer-grade file sync and sharing cloud applications, listen up! These applications pose aContinue Reading
By Dee Griffin Palliative care and hospice care are two types of care that are often confused with one another. Palliative care focuses on providingContinue Reading
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