Greater focus on financial literacy will help young people get ahead
Most of us probably remember learning things in high school that we rarely if ever use as adults – like how to calculate the areaContinue Reading
Most of us probably remember learning things in high school that we rarely if ever use as adults – like how to calculate the areaContinue Reading
2 Timothy 2:15 Do you ever stop long enough to review in your mind what significant events happened in your life during the last sixContinue Reading
With exception of two elderly Grandpas there were no men on our block. The young fathers and husbands were all deployed. We lived on theContinue Reading
Do you remember a time when you really wanted to be strong but instead it was as though you fell flat? Frequently, when we areContinue Reading
A school in Colorado Springs, Colorado was shuttered. In Three Rivers, Oregon, the school board shortened the school year five days and laid off employees.Continue Reading
2 Corinthians 6:2 When being honest with ourselves, we know that today is the only day that we are sure to be living. See howContinue Reading
Our Azalea bushes are budding and our Camellias are pretty this year. Spring may be around the corner, but spring is not here yet –Continue Reading
Sometimes I think about the things I’ve seen change and wonder how many others today can remember the same changes. Seems like yesterday soft drinksContinue Reading
Daniel 8 Daniel, as written about in the Old Testament book with his name, had a well-deserved reputation for being wise, diligent, loyal and faithfulContinue Reading
Welcoming a new baby into the family? How much do you know about how babies were welcomed into the world few generations ago? Was itContinue Reading
Did you notice the Fall scenery was extremely colorful in our area this season? I soaked up the beauty of God’s handiwork while driving aroundContinue Reading
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